Robinson (1888) A Rudimentary Treatise on Clock and Watch Making - E Dennison (1850) A Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches & Bells for Public Purposes - Edmund Beckett Grimthorpe 1903 A Treatise on Modern Horology in Theory and Practice 1887 A treatise on the teeth of wheels demonstrating the best forms which can be given to them - Camus, C 1868 A treatise on watch-work, past and present - Henry Leonard Nelthropp 1873 Abbott's American Watchmaker and Jeweler Account of improvements in chronometers - Mr. With the theory and the use of Robinson's odontograph - S. Robinson (1876) A practical treatise on the teeth of wheels. (January 1, 1767) A new system of electric clocks its principles and 'advantages' - Spellier, L 1886 A portion of the papers relating to the great clock for the new palace at Westminster - Westminster palace 1848 A practical and theoretical treatise on the detached lever escapement M Grossmann (1884) A Practical Course In Horology - H Kelly 1944 A Practical Treatise on the Balance Spring 1876 A practical treatise on the teeth of wheels. 1895 A New Method of Constructing Sun-Dials, for Any Given Latitude - James Ferguson, F. A New Circuit-Breaker for Astronomical Clocks (Volume 7) - Poole, A.

Williamson (1753) A new chronometer - Waltham Watch Co. Joseph Williamson Watchmaker, Wherein He Asserts His Right to the Invention of Making Clocks to Keep Time with the Suns Apparent Motion - J. , May be Prevented By John Ellicott 1753 A history of Simon Willard, inventor and clockmaker - J Williard 1911 A history of watches and other timekeepers - J.

(January 1, 1726) A Description of a Clepsydra or Water-Clock - Charles Hamilton 1753 A Description of Two Methods, by Which the Irregularity of the Motion of a Clock. William Henry Overall 1875 A Contrivance to Avoid the Irregularities in a Clock's Motion,- Mr. & co 1899 A book of sundial mottoes - Hyatt, Alfred H 1903 A Brief Account of the Chronometer - Parkinson and Frodsham 1832 A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Specimens of Clocks, Watches and Watchwork.

Book List - 258 Books on Disk 20th century catalogue of supplies for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades - Purdy, J.
You will require a computer with a Disk drive to be able to view the PDF books with suitable PDF viewer software (which is universally available for Free). Horology "The Art or Science of Measuring Time" 258 Vintage Books on 2-DVD Set Nature of the item: This item is a computer disk containing vintage, copyright-free books scanned into digital PDF format and provided to you on disk (as above) there is no physical book,there is no video, there is no audio. Numéro de l'objet: 293696196295 255 antique horloger Books 2 DVD-Horloge montre Makers Repair Pocket histoire 284.